Sleep in 'REFUGE D'ART'
Guided visits

Journey plan
To access your journey plan,
click here

Get the Refuge d'Art map

To prepare your visit, and to find your way round the circuit, use the IGN Refuge d'Art map.

1:30,000 scale map
The artist and his works
The circuit, and the day-long hikes
Practical information: water supplies, accommodation, restaurants

Refuge d'Art
Carte IGN

Coédition : IGN, Musée Gassendi, 2012
Edition bilingue français – anglais
Echelle : 1 / 35.000°
Imprimée recto-verso
11 x 24 cm pliée
121 x 88 cm dépliée
Illustrations en couleurs
ISBN : 2-912450-15-2
2 €
