Journey plan

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Sleep in 'REFUGE D'ART'
Guided visits

Journey plan
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Some suggestions

If you want to explore Refuge d'Art on a day-by-day basis, here are some ideas that may interest you.

One-day tour

Refuge d'Art – Bains Thermaux
The Musée-Promenade and the "Water Cairns"
The Musée Gassendi, with the River of Earth and the Refuge d'Art archives

Weekend circuit (option 1)

Day 1
Refuge d'Art – Ferme Belon
Sentinel – Vallée du Bès, at the entrance to the Clues de Barles
Refuge d'Art – Vieil Esclangon, with the possibility of an overnight stay

Day 2
Col de l'Escuichière
Refuge d'Art – Bains Thermaux
The Musée Gassendi, with the River of Earth and the Refuge d'Art archives

Weekend circuit (option 2)

Day 1
Refuge d'Art – Chapelle Sainte-Madeleine
Sentinel – Vallée du Vançon
Refuge d'Art – La Forest, with the possibility of an overnight stay

Day 2
Refuge d'Art – Bains Thermaux (above which there is the Chapelle Saint-Pancrace, with its panoramic view)
The Musée-Promenade and the "Water Cairns"
The Musée Gassendi, with the River of Earth and the Refuge d'Art archives

Three-day circuit

Day 1
Refuge d'Art – Bains Thermaux
The Musée-Promenade and the "Water Cairns"
Refuge d'Art – Vieil Esclangon, with the possibility of an overnight stay

Day 2
Sentinel – Vallée du Bès, at the entrance to the Clues de Barles
Refuge d'Art – Col de l'Escuichière
Refuge d'Art – Ferme Belon, with the possibility of an overnight stay

Day 3
Refuge d'Art – Chapelle Sainte-Madeleine
The Musée Gassendi, with the River of Earth and the Refuge d'Art archives
