By car Parking: beside Les Thermes Distance: 1.6 km from Digne-les-Bains Time: around 10 mins
From Digne, follow the D20 in the direction of Entrages. 500 m after the spa's car park, beside a panel indicating access to the Col du Corobin, there is a parking area on a right-hand bend.
Hike Round trip: 30 mins Distance: 1.6 km Net difference in altitude: 60 m Markings: yellow
(1) Take the trail that goes up to the left after the barrier. (2) Having passed through the first gate, situated in the pass, turn left in the direction of the spa's water storage building. The path crosses a stretch of rough ground. Continue in the direction of the oak forest. (3) Go through a second gate, after which the Refuge d'Art – Bains Thermaux can be seen on the left.
Return by the same path.
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